Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Feeling a bit like Pooh Or Maybe it is Eeyore

I tried some new settings on my digital camera for Christmas, trying to get the lighting right. Although the lighting was much, much better than before, somehow most of the action was blurry. Oh bother.

I really need to take time to actually read, practice, and learn more about my camera. But that takes time and I keep pushing it off, worried that I won't understand it and feel even more like the dummy I am. Oh bother.

I also need to learn how to edit my pictures better. I have Photoshop elements on the old Dell. But it is so slow and I like working on my iMac so much better. Plus I download all my pictures onto my iMac, so I would have to transfer them to the Dell, work on the slow computer, trying to get it right, retransfer them back to the iMac and then upload them and order them online. Yes I know I could do some of it right in the wonderful world of iPhoto (and I have done some) but there are some things that can only be done in photoshop. Oh and I need to decide something because I'm going scrapbooking the last Sunday in January and I need to order pictures beforehand. Oh bother.

One day I might know what I'm doing, till then I'll just keep pretending.

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