Thursday, November 21, 2013

Set in Motion

It is done.  Last night I clicked the "buy" button on the digital scrapbook of our Europe trip.  I have completed many scrapbook albums over the years, but never a digital one. I am nervous, anxious, excited, and hopeful.

When we planned the trip we were all these things as well. With no experience in such a trip we did not know what to expect but we had ideas and hopes.  That is how I feel now too. Never having done a digital scrapbook. it was hard to figure out which pictures to use, what to write, and should I do it this way or that way, with this company or that one.  There were so many choices, just like in planning our trip.  None of these questions had a right or wrong answer.  All were simply a choice to make.

When David clicked buy to purchase the plane tickets, we knew we were going.  Whatever might happen on that trip, good or bad, we were going with the family to Europe.  That one purchase set it in motion.  When I clicked buy last night to purchase the digital scrapbook, it brought back those memories.  Whatever mistakes in pictures or words I made are there forever.  The scrapbook is done.  This will be the book that keeps the memories of our fantastic trip alive in our minds.  I cannot wait to hold it in my hands.  Yes, nervous, anxious, excited and hopeful emotions are swirling through me and will be till the postman delivers it to my door.


Ewe said...

I'm excited for you. We love Snapfish books. Since Creative Memories went bankrupt when I finish up with my traditional supplies (which will be several years!) then I plan to only do Snapfish books. I love that I can make several copies for grandparents and all my boys, usually getting a coupon for 50% or more off. But I am so careful, proofread it many many times before I actually hit purchase.

Glenda said...

Thanks Ewe!

The book came in the mail while I was at my mom's for Thanksgiving. It is beautiful. We simply ooh and ahh and remember our trip with fond memories.