Friday, September 28, 2012

God's Own Child - Almost Home

This morning Ruth's father-in-law, Pr. David Webber wrote the following on the Pray for Ruth Webber Facebook page:
Ruth is still with us, although she is pretty much just resting. She is not able to use a computer any more, or to concentrate on anything for very long, but she has been made aware of the fact that so many friends have been posting greetings to her via this group, and that there are a lot of people lifting her up in prayer. Not knowing what the Lord's timetable is, the family members who were here last night did the Commendation of the Dying service with her, with yours truly officiating. She responded to each question in the confession of sins, and then rejoiced to hear her Lord's perfect and complete absolution of all her sins. She was also able to join in confessing her baptismal faith in the words of the Apostles' Creed, and she joined in the Lord's Prayer. Those present sang all 3 ve
rses of "Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart." Ruth listened with devout attention, and then thanked us. Ruth's mother Diane stayed with her through the night, while the rest of us slept. This morning when I greeted Ruth, I told her that the Lord had preserved her among us for another day, so that we could pray together again. And so we did then pray together, as I thanked God for all his good gifts, for family and friends, and for the eternal life that he has bestowed upon us in his Son, who died and rose again to win the victory over sin and death for us. Since tomorrow is St. Michael's Day, we are listening, as I type, to the Hieronymus Praetorius St. Michael's Day Vespers CD. And we are silently praying that ere long the Lord grants to our dear Ruth a peaceful departure from this world, and that he will send his angels to her, to escort her into his heavenly presence.

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