Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Work Week

Another pattern I find interesting.

On a Monday my 5th child was born.

On a Tuesday my 4th child was born.

On a Wednesday my 1st child was born.

On a Thursday my 3rd child was born.

On a Friday my 2nd child was born.


Anonymous said...

LOL! That's cool. My first child was born on a Saturday, my third and fourth were born on a Sunday, and the other three were born on Thursdays.

Glenda said...

I always worried about the Sunday births. Too have three on the same day, that's pretty cool too!

Anonymous said...

The Sundays were evenings, although with Nathan we did have to go in the morning. Rachel should be a PW--her labor started during communion, but it didn't get serious until late afternoon. ;)