Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wittenberg Academy

There is a new on-line Classical Lutheran High School that is set to begin in the fall of 2012.  It is Wittenberg Academy.  Check it out, pray for it, pass the word along, and consider enrolling your student(s) for one or two or for all classes.

From their website:

About Wittenberg Academy

Mission: Provide the best in classical Lutheran education for today's high school students through online delivery.
What makes us different from other online classical education institutions? We are unabashadly Lutheran, meaning all of our classes are grounded in the Sola's- Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone, Christ Alone.
luther glass rose


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a dream come true! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry. I was so excited that I forgot to sign my name.

-Jane Seyboldt

Emommy said...

Thanks for this, Glenda! Hope you and yours are having a lovely fall and Advent (so far) -- look forward to seeing you again sometime!