Saturday, July 11, 2009

Something Neat and Something Funny

Our bedrooms are on the smaller side, but with ample closet space. I thought it would be nicer for the children if they had more bedroom floor space and we utilized their closets better. Not that we will do the same thing we did in ours, but something that will provide better storage for all that needs to be stored (clothes, shoes, hampers, linens, suitcases, etc.) in each of the closets. To do so, I decided to remove two dressers (one each from two bedrooms) and sell them. We can only advertise one at a time in our local shopper, so one we did, and it went out today.

I was at Matins when the first call came in. I called the man back and he said he and his wife were very interested and would like to come see it. I mentioned that I had a second dresser if he was interested. He was he said, because they have five children who are outgrowing their current dressers. He and his wife came by later in the afternoon after a wedding, liked both, paid us, and he said he would return with his truck and oldest son to pick them up.

When he arrived with the truck, Nathan and Sam were so excited because, "Mommy, he has an Icthus on the back of his truck." They knew this because our VBS program this year was "Five Words of Understanding" by Pax Domini. David helped load the dressers and he and Devan began chatting. Devan is a Baptist pastor to the deaf in a nearby town. So the dressers went from one pastor's family with five children to another pastor's family with five children. That is the "something neat."

Now on to the "something funny."
David was looking at the mail the other day. He walked into the room I was in and said, "Honey, I know that sometimes the little children will call me Jesus, but this is going a bit far."

He showed me the piece of junk mail. I laughed and laughed. It was addressed to:
Ms. Trinity.


Rebekah said...

We just did "Five Words" last week --I love having a VBS I don't hate. No gimmicks! Makes the week so much easier for those of us conscripted into running it.

Glenda said...

Rebekah, I had mixed emotions over the program. At first I loved it, but each day seemed to get deeper and deeper, for these children anyway. But as I thought about it, once all was done, I decided it was a great program. I really like the fact that the lesson packet we sent home with the children at the end of the week was full of wonderful, real pictures and all of the text was there. A parent could sit and read it (and I sure hope they do!) and learn and understand what their children were taught during the week. So all said and done, I give the program two thumbs up!