Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Anniversary

14 years ago, I became a wife. I love you David. Thanks for completing me and I look forward to many more years of being your helpmeet.

"Lord God, heavenly Father, You instituted holy matrimony, blessed and honored it with the presence of Your Son at the marriage at Cana in Galilee, and continue to protect and preserve it. We thank You for the fatherly love and grace which You have bestowed upon David and Glenda throughout their marriage. You have accompanied them with loving-kindness and tender mercy, visited them with Your comfort, strengthened them in sorrow and sickness, and crowned their life with every blessing. You have enabled them to walk in marital love and fidelity, holding them to each other in sickness and in health, in adversity and prosperity, and granting them strength, patience and faithfulness. Be with them, O Lord, until the end of their days, even as You have guided them in the past. Be their health, strength, refuge, and life. When the days of their earthly pilgrimage have ceased, graciously bring them to the marriage supper of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that they may dwell with You and all Your faithful and rejoice in Your joy forever; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever." Amen


Kim said...

Happy Anniversary

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, David & Glenda! May God in His grace grant you many more years together.

Presbytera said...

Wow did you marry a young looking guy: ) Thank you for the picture and the prayer. Congrats on your anniversary.

Cheryl said...

What a beautiful wedding portrait! There seem to be a lot of anniversary celebrations going on these days. Congratulations and God's continued blessings on your life together!