Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Realizing who I am

Granted, I know I'm weird. I homeschool; I'm a stay-at-home mother of 5 children; I cook our meals; I can and freeze food for us to eat; I'm a Lutheran - Missouri Synod Lutheran - confessional Missouri Synod Lutheran. But when something else happens to show me just how weird I am, I still shake my head. I don't think of myself as weird, this is life - this is normal. Right?

My dh and I hosted an Ephiphany party for the Altar Guild (newly formed group that just completed their first year). It was lovely - I fixed various hors d'oeuvres and punch and coffee. We all sat around visiting and eating. We look forward to doing it again each year.

The next evening dh and I attended the circuit Epiphany Party for the Pastors and their wives. The host couple provided the ham and the rest of us brought certain dishes to pass. I brought the dessert: homemade ice-cream, gingerbread cookies, and Ritz cracker cookies.

So what made me realize I was weird? I used my china for my party - covered the table with a tablecloth, and tried to make things look extra special. Only my kiddos used paper plates and cups.

At the circuit party, we ate on paper plates (remember this was a real meal, not just appetizers) We were served wine in paper cups. I know it might make for easier clean-up, but I don't like it. It just left a bed taste in my mouth.

Yeah I know, I'm weird.

1 comment:

Jenny Chavez said...

My dear sister you are not weird. We were raised to believe that you should treat guests as special. Eating a real meal on paper plates is a HUGE NO-NO and one that should be criticized! I shudder to think of drinking wine in paper. That ruins the taste! It is because you are not lazy like 90% of Americans. If it were me I wouldn't want to go back to that person's house. Trust me you are doing it right and it does matter. Keep doing things the way you do them. It's the right way